
Pro-Futures is an interactive application that produces films based on a user’s input. The user provides a style, author, graphic preference, and a prompt. Pro-Futures provides the user with a film told in the framework of a para-fictional documentary. These documentaries describe possible futures based on data extrapolations and thought experiments when pushed to their limits. - The resulting films give the user a hint of what it would be like to swim in a flood, or what happens if the ramblings around the communal office water cooler are extrapolated past their hypothetical scenarios.

What makes this a Pro-Futures project is its focus on story structures. We have heard of the hero’s journey, Disney formula, and other fairly ridge story structures. Each of these stories are made of parts that are stylized by the director, actors, and writers. Pro-Futures modulates these pieces into alternative structures. When Chat refuses to tell stories glorifying oil or the necessity to mass produce poisons. This modulated structure also allows for inversions of narratives to speculate upon.

The inversion switch allows Chat to expand upon otherwise avoided and blocked content. - Through Pro-Futures we might find out that it’s a really great idea to mass produce radiation containing products, poisons, or bio-hazards to condition those braving the journey to newly colonized exo-planets. You know, like the king that used to micro-dose poisons to fend off assassination attempts.

The AI Story Generator (AI-SG) is the final thesis project of SCI-Arc's (EDGE) Architectural Technologies program under the direction of Casey Rehm, Case Miller, and Eli Joteva. Our final exhibition design was curated under the direction of John Cooper.


I wish to extend many thanks to those who advised in the precursory projects and studies that ahve been combined or exist alongside the current build. Thank you to David Ruy, Marcelyn Gow, Soomeen Hahm, Masha Hupola, Justin Doro, and Walead Beshty for this opportunity and continued support throughout this process.